It has been a minute since I have written a blog and I want to note how okay that is! We all put so much pressure on ourselves to always “show up”. Creating this Client Experience guide allowed me to stay busy but also take a moment to breathe.
Okay, now for the real reason I wanted to blog today. I just launched my Enhance your Client Experience guide for wedding photographers and am so excited! My goal as a wedding virtual assistant is not only to earn money and stay at home with my toddler, but to also share knowledge wherever and whenever I can!
Not every wedding pro has the budget to hire a virtual assistant, and that is okay! When you get there, I will still be here! But I wanted to give an opportunity for wedding photographers to still benefit from my service at a much more budget friendly level. My original plan was to only launch email templates but then getting asked A LOT on ways to help streamline tasks, I decided to add in extra topics which ultimately created a whole guide.
Having a fantastic client experience should literally be your number one goal. It dictates your whole business – how many inquiries you receive, how many book you, how many refer you which means…. how much income you will make. Your client experience should WOW your potential clients and your current clients.
+ Freakin’ awesome email templates to grab your clients attention and make them feel special
+ Workflows so you stay on your shit and don’t miss anything
+ Automations to free up your mind of tasks you don’t NEED to do yourself
+ Materials that are carefully and beautifully designed and provide as much information as possible at every stage of the process with you
Interested in learning more about my virtual assistant services? Going into 2024, I have new and improved packages for any stage of your business. Let’s create success together! LEARN MORE
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