Hi – if you are here that means you are either feeling the slow season effects already or you are wanting to prepare prior to hitting it. Either way, you are doing great!!

I may not be a wedding photographer but I manage multiple photographers businesses through and through as their virtual assistant and OBM. Answering their emails, sending follow ups to inquiries, making sure invoices are being paid and couple’s questions are top priority. I see first hand how slow season can affect a business. Let’s make sure you don’t!

First, when is slow season?

This may look different depending on where you are located but for my clients (who are in the Louisiana, Tennessee and Florida areas), summer time is where it hits. The months between May to September seem to be the slowest due to couple’s not wanting to sweat to death during their toast at their reception – which, I can’t blame them! Now if you’re more north, that may be different.

Next, what happens during slow season?

Since you don’t have any weddings during this time, means you are probably are not getting paid. We all know what that means! Less coffee shop or Amazon splurges – yikes! That also may mean you are having to rush specials or discounts in order to make up the missing income.

Let’s now discuss tips on how to avoid being hit hard of slow season –

Update your website, girl!

This is the perfect time to update your galleries, adjust your packages based on what did well previously and make some tweaks to your design overall. It is essential to have an updated site to showcase your most recent and best work! It may be slow season but couple’s are still searching for photographers. Make sure to have all of your most precious work available!

Shift your focus to marketing!

Now is the time to market, market, market. Review your previous post to see what did the best and then pre-plan your next few months of content, captions etc. Make sure to also write and post those blogs! Marketing and blogging will help others see and share your work, especially if you’re tagging vendors (which you definitely should!). Plan your upcoming promotions, mini sessions and more.

Let’s talk about mini sessions!

You can load up on many different types of mini session events to supplement income without having to break your damn back. Incorporate cows, bunnies, mother’s day, father’s day, etc. You can make a decent amount just with these sessions.

Adjust your mindset and your finances!

Slow season is tough. It can be for me too, to be completely honest! But ultimately, you cannot allow yourself to get into a funk. Prepare yourself and your finances, and you’ll be A-Okay! Throughout the year, make sure you keep track of your income and expenses. Now, with this being said – you still need to invest IN your business. When you are investing in your business, make sure it is in a way that will help you grow, not just throwing away money. (hire a virtual assistant (hi!), hire a CRM pro to set up your Honeybook or Dubsado (hi, again!), social media manager (sorry, not me but I have referrals!).

Don’t go with the flow when it comes to your business. Make sure to prep and prepare BEFORE things get tough.

wedding virtual assistant managing photographers backend tasks

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Tips to Make it Through Slow Season as a Wedding Photographer

May 6, 2024

Virtual Assistant