Hi Friend! I’m so glad you are here because this means you are curious. Curiosity leads to learning and growing! Finding the right virtual assistant is key to outsourcing successfully. The right VA contains knowledge, passion/nurture, a vibe you connect with and offers services you are needing (or willing to learn).

I wanted to share a little bit about my most popular package I offer to wedding photographers and planners, so here we go —

Most Popular Package

I have created packages based on what I have seen wedding creatives need the most. My most precious baby is my Business Management package aka CEO / all hands on deck support. This package is my bread and butter which is why it is priced the way it is. I become your CEO assistant who handles almost all backend tasks plus communication.

What is included:

+ Client and vendor communication

+ Email and inquiry management

+ CRM clean up and management

+ Scheduling / Calendar assistance

+ Contract and invoice management

+ Questionnaire / Guides etc creation and management

+ Timeline assistance

+ Special event support (styled shoot, content day, workshops, retreats, etc)

I take what you have created, get you completely organized and manage everything from there. This is perfect for the wedding creatives who are beyond busy and don’t want to deal with the tedious keep ups and communication. You want to keep growing your business without having to work even more or you want to focus on other aspects but need to make sure you get paid and your clients are taken care of.

The Why

The reason I created this package was to support the talented wedding photographers or planners by allowing them to stop being “owned” by their business. The motto I created (at least I think I created it) “You own your business, don’t let your business own you.” I feel this completely as a business owner! You created your business that started as a passion. You wore all the damn hats. Now you want to blossom even more but don’t know how. The easiest and best way to do it – outsource the annoying yet very necessary tasks.

I truly just want my clients to succeed but have a life. Nothing is worse than being business successful but having no time for anything else or actually enjoying it. A lot of the times wedding creatives get burnt out and lose focus on why they started their journey. My job is to help you find your passion again and help you thrive!

If you want to start off small, I have a “get started” package which is just a smaller version of my business management package. You can get your feet wet by choosing two to three tasks you want to hand off with the option to upgrade to my full support later on.

I have ONE spot left for my full Business Management and I want you to take it! Schedule a call to talk all the things.

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My Most Popular Service as a Wedding Virtual Assistant

August 31, 2023

Virtual Assistant