I am excited to announce that it is officially my two year anniversary of launching my Virtual Assistant business and one year since I quit my corporate job and went full-time running my business. I am not an “expert” but I have my share in learning and trial – and – error. Going from a stressed the f**** out work-from-home mom, barely making it by to a fully thriving, wake-up excited every morning business owner. The best part? Not sticking to any certain schedule and having all the time in the world with my toddler.

Hitting multiple milestones throughout the past one to two years even with the tribulations that came with it, made me truly realize there is help for us to build our VA business but it is very limited and/or way out of budget. There were many times where I needed the help, the extra guidance but the mentor’s I looked up to were just way out of my price range which then made me buy courses that ere just a one-time deal with no additional support.

If you are like me, after taking a course or talking with someone, questions come up and new obstacles get in the way but not having someone to work things out with is a defeating feeling. I decided to become a mentor with a long-term option!! I am so excited to announcing my new virtual assistant mentor ship program —

Introducing……. THE VA CALL LOG

What is it?

A virtual assistant mentorship program that is designed for mama’s and other women trying to build their life and business. The exciting part? This program is based off of a subscription type of contract. You get to choose the length of contract you want AND the type of support, with the option to extend if needed. We all need an extra hand sometimes and there is NO shame! The more help you get, the closer you get to your goals…..faster but more efficiently.

What is included?

Choose between a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription with the option of Voxer Support only, Voxer and Monthly Call Support, or Voxer, Monthly Calls and Audits. Check out full details here.

How does this differ from any other virtual assistant mentor program?

I will never down play another VA coach’s or mentor’s programs. There are a few I truly believe in and freaking LOVE but they are a very high price and mom’s who are just starting out may not have that budget quite yet.

My goal for my mentorship program is to be a forever supporter and help you as long as you need! I never want you to feel as if I am rushing you to grab new applications. The reason for this is to help you grow and be confident in yourself. Balancing mom things and work things is H A R D but it’s possible with the right kind of support.

Check out my other blogs for VA’s

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Virtual Assistant Mentor

February 7, 2024

Virtual Assistant Mentorship